Canada-Inuit Nunangat-United Kingdom Arctic Research Programme 2021 – 2025 (CINUK)
On the 11th of May 2022, the CINUK programme partners – Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI), Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR), National Research Council of Canada (NRC), Parks Canada (PARKS), and the Fonds de Recherche du Quebec (FRQ) – announced the 13 successful projects funded under the Canada-Inuit Nunangat-United Kingdom Arctic Research Programme in support of key themes connected to climate-driven changes to the terrestrial, coastal and near-shore marine environments in Inuit Nunangat, as well as the impacts on Inuit and community health and well-being. The full announcement in all four languages from the Programme partners is available on the Polar Knowledge Canada website:
Please note that the Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun are available for download in both the French and English links, but here they are individually:
An overview of all 13 projects can be found in the tables below: